This addition to the lineup of Choice Of games is average. It allows for greater choices, like being able to purchase supplies from a shop, and being able to romance various characters. Unfortunately Ive never been one for romance plots and find they distract from overall storylines, so this feature has largely no effect on my opinion.
There are also many typos throughout the game. Some choices seem to be only a facade, and you end up in the same place no matter what. Other times an ability that you have will be greyed-out (I chose Infiltration as my ability but the option was unavailable for choosing even though it was listed as a choice)
The game also seems shorter than some of the others in the lineup. Youd think that as Choice Of games progress, the story writing would get more in-depth, allowing an ever-increasing degree of choices and outcomes, as well as a longer story.
This game falls in line with the Choice Of series, but does not stand up as better than some of its predecessors, like Kung Fu. Overall it is what one should expect from the Choice Of series, something that will distract a few hours of your time, and worth the $2, but featuring various typos that couldve been scrubbed out with a simple proofread, and no significant improvements from previous Choice Of games, I give it an average rating.
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